Certainty Store
Do your patients still think Chiropractic is just about back and neck pain? Does your community believe Chiropractic is “unscientific” or “just a theory”? One look at this poster will immediately influence their perception of Chiropractic.
New patients, existing patients, and non-patients will easily see the power of the Chiropractic in ONE poster.
Price: $55
The Power of an Adjustment Poster
The Power of An Adjustment Tear-Off Sheets
Share with New Patients on Day 1 to set the tone for the value of a Chiropractic exam and detection of vertebral subluxation.
New Patient Report of Findings and Care Plan Recommendations (circle problem areas for them to take home and show loved ones how subluxation or complaint areas can relate)
Community Spinal Screenings to point out problem areas and how they can relate to complaint.
All inside or outside workshops and talks.
Price: $24.99 (75 Sheets)
The Power of An Adjustment Digital Poster
Add This Digital Copy To Your Website, Print It Off As a Patient Education Handout, Add It To A PowerPoint and Display It On Your Big Screen TV and More!
Price: $49
Real E-State Monthly Subscription Program
After recently talking to a Chiropractic colleague and friend of mine who considers himself to be a real estate tycoon with all of the properties he owns, I decided to develop this program with the intent to help Chiropractors invest in what I consider the most important Real E-State….the “STATE” between your ears!
Skyrocket Your Certainty, Avoid Burnout, and Never Even Notice Rejection Again with the Focus Received Through The Real E-State Program
Putting Chiropractic On The Map
Putting Chiropractic On The Map is a product created by Dr. Dan Sullivan and is designed tohelp any chiropractor talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere about the irrefutable truth of Chiropractic, even to a room full of Medical Doctors.
In August 2015, Dr. Sullivan spoke to a room full of Medical Doctors that only saw Chiropractic in the traditional back pain and neck pain model. In just 45 minutes he completely changed the paradigm of every single doctor in the room.
The results of that talk were unprecedented. In the “Putting Chiropractic On The Map” program, Dr. Sullivan teaches you the same 5 Step Sequence he took this group of Medical Doctors through that completely shifted their view on Chiropractic.
You can use this same 5 Step Sequence on Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime and duplicate the same desired result.
Price: $597
True Immunity – Flu Awareness, Facts and Solutions
- Flu Pamphlet – Myths vs Truth on the Flu, Flu vaccine, Chiropractic, and Immunity.
- Vaccine PPT – actual slides of a PPT talk on the flu and flu vaccine.
- Vaccine Video – Dr. Dan dives deep into the science and data on the flu and flu vaccine.
- Chiropractic and Immunity PPT – actual slides of a PPT talk on Chiropractic and it’s influence on immunity.
- Chiropractic and Immunity video – Dr. Dan dives deep into the science and statistics of Chiropractic, immunity, and the flu.
- Flu Talk PPT – an entire PPT presentation on the flu with stats, facts, and science on the flu, flu vaccine, Chiropractic, and immunity.
- 3 Patient Newsletters – Three done-for-you patient newsletters to download, print, and distribute to patients and community on the influence Chiropractic has on the immunity and the flu.
- 3 Info-graphics – Three information graphics that correspond with newsletters that can be posted on social media, used in a PPT presentation or on a scrolling TV screen, or emailed to practice members or prospective patients on the stats, facts, and science of the flu and Chiropractic.
Price: $495
Titanium Immunity Through Chiropractic
One of the most comprehensive Power Point Presentations on Chiropractic and Immunity ever developed.
Price: $149
Chiropractic Delivers

“Would You Rather Have a Back Problem or Brain Problem” Poster
Remember….a back problem, known as a subluxation, is a brain problem!
*Don’t just tell them when you can also show them.
*This poster will help you transform the conversation about subluxation and the necessity of chiropractic
care to improve brain and nervous system function instead of just addressing back or neck pain.
DIGITAL FILE ONLY – With purchase of this product, you will receive the official digital file that will allow you to scale the size and quantity of this poster to your choice. This means that when you purchase this file, you can make it as big or small as you’d like, and have as many posters printed as you need.
“Back to the Brain” Poster
The research and science do not lie! Show them and tell them with this poster.
*Turn every conversation about subluxation in your office from a back
problem to a brain problem. Don’t just tell them when you can show them.
*Show your current and prospective practice members that even the most subtle subluxation
affects every aspect of human pereormcane through the autonomic nervous system.
*Have the research right in front of them…by just showing them this poster.
DIGITAL FILE ONLY – With purchase of this product, you will receive the official digital file that will allow you to scale the size and quantity of this poster to your choice. This means that when you purchase this file, you can make it as big or small as you’d like, and have as many posters printed as you need.