


Dr. Dan Sullivan
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    Communicating the harmful effects of Subluxation
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Harvard Medical School Said What About Chiropractic?

Did you get a chance to read this report from Harvard Medical School on Chiropractic?

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Did it use the word vertebral subluxation? No

Did it use the word adjustment instead of manipulation? No

Did it talk about the amazing power in the body that Chiropractors help unlock? No

Did it talk of a much needed vitalistic approach to health care? No

Could the article have been more pro-Chiropractic and less about pain? Yes

However, I did not mind this article because of a very specific reason I will share with you. My mission is to help change the perception of Chiropractic worldwide!  Indoctrination from the American Medical Association (AMA) is a large part of the reason why the majority of the public has no understanding of the true value of Chiropractic. This dates back to nearly 100 years when Chiropractic was first discovered and introduced.

When Chiropractic began to make its way onto the healthcare scene, organized medicine and the American Medical Association resisted because they wanted to monopolize healthcare. This led to an all-out attempt to end the practice and profession of Chiropractic. Fortunately, those efforts did not succeed, but they did plant a lot of seeds of misunderstanding in the hearts and minds of the American public.  This contributed to the current shape of the world’s understanding(or lack thereof) of Chiropractic.

Most people in our culturimagese do not understand or utilize the benefits Chiropractic can offer them and their family, but this article can help. Social proof is a phenomenon where larger portions of a population do something because it has become the accepted standard thing to believe or do. You can use this article to help erase the mentality that we have no social proof for Chiropractic care.

This article can be used as a stepping stone in opening the minds of current and soon-to-be patients of your community. Social proof is a vital component to introducing a new idea into mainstream. When the average person sees other respectable people, institutions, or organizations acknowledge or endorse something; they are more prone to listen.

Chiropractors have fought the stigma of being unscientific quacks for many years. This mentality stems from the conspiracy to contain and eliminate the Chiropractic profession by the AMA over five decades ago. In fact, the U.S. Supreme Court found the AMA guilty of conspiring to destroy the Chiropractic profession in 1987 for lying and attempting to deceive the public.

This Harvard article about Chiropractic surely does not give the full picture about what Chiropractic can do.

However, if you utilized it appropriately, it can open the minds of your community. If they can see that the reputable Harvard Medical school acknowledges Chiropractic as a valid means for healthcare, it opens the door for so much more.

This article will surely not take Chiropractic to the mountaintop, that will be left up to us Chiropractors collectively battling with our hearts, hands, minds, and words to get this truth to the masses! I only want to point out that it can be another point of ascending Chiropractic to its rightful place in healthcare if we all utilize these opportunities  appropriately.

This endorsement is good for social proof. It validates Chiropractic as an accepted option for healthcare. It opens the door for us to further teach the influence Chiropractic care can have in everyone’s life.

Chiropractic delivers…

Everything from improving immunity and concentration to increasing brain function and reducing chronic disease physiology! This is no longer a theory. The best PubMed science and literature back it up!

Use this article to open the doors of communication to your community so you can break down the social proof barriers our profession has been fighting for decades due to the lies and deception put forth by the AMA.

If you need any help in better understanding the validity or proof in the power of Chiropractic, email me at

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