I really truly believe that one of the #1 reasons why chiropractors have a problem asking people to pay for their care is that they view their own chiropractic adjustments as a “cost” to the patient instead of an investment. Look doc, here’s the thing, your CARE is an INVESTMENT…period. And the research proves it! STOP looking at your care as a cost to the patient, because it’s not, it’s […]
I’m tired of people not telling the truth about chiropractic. I’m all about chiropractors practicing the way they want to, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit by a let “certain” chiropractors reduce chiropractic to a “back pain treatment only” type of profession. Chiropractic is MORE than that and I’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure the public understands this. If anyone wants to challenge me on […]
Watch The First Episode of Monday Night RAW with Dr. Dan Sullivan